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Our Museums

Meet the Second City with more Museums in Mexico

Outstanding museums with extraordinary collections

In addition to playing an important educational role for the people, museums constitute microcosmos that allow visitors reconstruct their own realities under different spacial representations and notions of time, place and circumstance.

Museo Manuel Felguérez

Museo Pedro Coronel

Museo de Guadalupe

Museo Rafael Coronel

Museo Francisco Goitia

Museo Zacatecano

Museo Zigzag

Museo Toma de Zacatecas

Museo Universitario de Ciencias

Museo Playmohistoria

Zacatecas has been considered one of the cities with the largest number of museums in the country. Our museums span almost every field of knowledge and have been recognized for the extraordinary quality of their collections displayed in interesting venues with great historic, cultural and architectural value.

Some of our museums contain many universal pieces that establish time lines and take visitors from the remotest of civilizations (ancient Greece, Egypt and India), to Pre-Colombian, or Mexican colonial days, while others showcase contemporary scientific findings, and modern, evolutionary expressions of art.

Explore and share the magic of the museums in Zacatecas